Monday 18 August 2014

Question of the Week

I had a massage client last week who was so self conscience about the size of his penis that he did not want to remove his underwear for the massage.  (I drape men but do ask them to remove their underwear if they are comfortable doing so.  Of course you can ask to not be draped, but that is for another blog post.  LOL!)

I assumed him that I see men of all shapes and sizes, including penises, and I think all men are awesome.  He did agree to go nude with draping and I walked out so he could get undressed and comfortable.  I think the appointment went well, but it does lead me to this week's "Question of the Week":

Do men really think that the size of their penis has that much impact in defining who they are?  Have you ever felt less of a man in a situation because a man was more endowed than you are?  Is bigger always better?

My answer:

This is a tough question for me to answer in an honest way, because I create blogs that emphasize well endowed men.  I do love seeing beautiful men who have large cocks.  But that does not equate to me only appreciating a man's dick and nothing else.  

Having been to nude beaches and nudist resorts, I have met guys of all shapes and sizes.  I love it if a guy has a small endowment but is so comfortable with who he is that he is fine with being in at a nude resort.  His smaller penis is not an issue to prevent him from enjoying the freedom of nudism.  

I am a gay man and I admit that there is an urge to be with a man with a larger dick than a smaller one.  But I have also had some amazing sex with a guy who would be considered small but was sexy and confident in bed.  Bigger is not always better.  And this is coming from someone who has his "size queen" moments!  I think you can get a sense as to why this is tough question for me to answer honestly.

I would say that I am average to slightly larger than average.  I have the benefit of being more of a shower than a grower when soft.  I have been naked with men who was much larger (soft and hard), but they did not make me feel less masculine.  My masculinity is so much more than my manhood.

I would never want a man who felt he was small to ever feel inferior in any way.  Men are so beautiful and every one of us has a list of wonderful attributes that make us who we are.  When you look at the photos featured with this post (which by the way are tagged as "small cock" men on Google), you see sexy chests, beautiful smiles, great arms and legs and so many great qualities...including their cocks.

So there is my answer.  Now time to share your thoughts...

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