Thursday 3 April 2014

Sexy "Obama Girls" turn on Barack (video)

Amber Larson, CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Wisdom QuarterlyCarey Wedler; Amber Lee Ettinger (RT America)Leah Kauffman; Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan (

(Carey Wedler/ Carey speaks for us on WHY at 0:55 and 2:45

B----, please! she said.
Tom Tomorrow (

Before Obama became president, his message of "change" had many falling in love with the well-groomed CIA operative and Illinois senator. One busty individual, model Amber Lee Ettinger, became an instant Internet hit when she declared her "love" for the then-candidate. Ettinger's "Obama Girl" video went viral. But years of the commander-in-chief in office has her looking for a new crush. She joins RT America with more on why she has had a change of heart.

ht obama girl video thg 120905 wblog Obama Girl Returns, Kind Of
The voice behind Obama Girl, Leah Kauffman
A new Obama Girl video -- “Still Got a Crush on Obama” -- was released in 2012: If “Obama Girl” looked different but sounded exactly the same, that’s because Leah Kauffman -- the original singer and songwriter behind the 2008 “Crush on Obama” song and video -- actually stars in this one.  Last time Kauffman and partner Ben Relles, who is not involved with this new video, hired a [hot] model, Amber Lee Ettinger, to lip-synch the original song. But in 2012 Kauffman finally stepped up to take center-stage. VIDEO

Obama defends more NSA spying
China sees Obama girls, but not Xi's daughter
China sees Obama girls, but not Xi girl
THE HAGUE, Netherlands - Pres. Obama on Monday (March 24, 2014) defended U.S. surveillance programs as serving national security rather than [civil liberties or] commercial interests, in a wide-ranging meeting with his Chinese counterpart on the sidelines of a nuclear summit. More
Soft Dictator and new Pope
(Gwen Ifill/PBS NewsHour) Pres. Barry and Pope Francis met for the first time at Corporate Church HQ, the Vatican. The papal audience emphasized different points. Obama claims they focused on their shared interest in helping the poor, while Vatican officials emphasized areas where their views differ like birth control mandates.

Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan (
Six years into the Obama administration, the president’s promise of “a new era of open government” seems just another grand promise, cynically broken. LISTEN

As colleges across the country, from Harvard to U of Mississippi, deal with (often unconscious but sometimes blatant) racism, a new film tackles the issue with comedy and satire: "Dear White People" follows a group of black students on a fictional Ivy League campus. One of the students hosts a campus radio show of the same name. It confronts racist stereotypes and dilemmas faced by students of color. Tensions come to a head when a group of mostly white students throw an African-American-themed party, wearing blackface and using watermelons and fake guns as props. More

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