Thursday 3 April 2014

Ask the Sexpert (audio)

Twitter user @AshleighEarley participates in the The Sun's Check'em Tuesday campaign.
Should I be touching my own breasts?
A retired doctor has become a popular figure in India after answering hundreds of questions a week about sex.

Dr. Mahinder Watsa, 90, gives males and females of all ages the chance to get answers to personal questions with his column in a popular Indian tabloid newspaper.
He practiced for many years as a gynaecologist and trained as a sex therapist in the United States. He first became an advice columnist for an Indian women’s magazine and then in 2005 began writing for Bombay's Mumbai Mirror.
Since then he’s answered tens of thousands of questions.

He doesn't need to know, and he'll still be happy
"People ask me, 'Are you making up the questions?' because some of them are really weird," says Dr. Watsa. "And I said, 'No, I don't. What comes in, I answer" [which is mostly about masturbation, rumors, naive ponderings, embarrassment, and unknown consequences].
The things people ask about range from questions around the practicalities of sex to issues around sexuality as well as relationships and physical looks.
Wait, Indians masturbate to my pornos?
It has caused some controversy in a country that still struggles with prudish attitudes towards sex, but Dr. Watsa’s no-nonsense approach and sense of humor have garnered him quite a following among readers of the paper and online.
"The column I think is popular because there are very few people who really attend to this area of their physiology or of their bodies," he adds.

He often finds himself dealing with myths and old wives tales about sex as well as questions relating specifically to the Indian way of life around things like arranged marriages [and the need for virginity or the appearance of it].
Dr. Watsa says people are becoming more open about sex, but the dissemination of information in India can be a barrier.
"Unfortunately, sex became a very political subject about four or five years ago, and suddenly there was a lot of hubbub about it, as a result of which sex education was banned in the schools, almost in all states in the country," says Dr. Watsa.

Don't think about sex, don't think about sex
At one time most of the questions that came in were from men, but more and more women are now writing to him.
"They talk about their breasts being small or big, or one recently thought her buttocks were very large," he says.
Many women get worried that their husband looking at porn means they’re not interested in sex with them.
Prefer the "good ol' days" of colonialism?
"The women are becoming more open and asking how to deal with these problems," he adds. India’s own "Dr. Ruth" answers questions that come in daily. And even though he’s just turned 90 he shows no sign of retiring.
"I tell people my head and feet are working and all the other parts are in order, so I suppose I will go on," he says. More
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