Saturday 18 January 2014

Opposing SEX, promoting violence (video)

"Lone Survivor" - a Hollywood war glorification propaganda reel about the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan based but not telling the actual story of Operation Red Wing.
Stop resisting me, stop resisting me (BS)
Torrance, Los Angeles LAPD Officer Brian McGee will not be charged for attempting to murder a white surfer after ramming his vehicle during the dramatic "manhunt" for accused black ex-LAPD Officer Dorner, who allegedly went on a rampage against other members of the LAPD.

Better wrong doing right than right doing wrong
That is the allegation, but we will never know because Dorner was summarily executed by fellow police who turned SoCal into an obvious police state. (Usually it is just a covert one).
Israeli war criminal Sharon dies (TYT)
This was done to prevent an adequate investigation that may have turned up damning evidence against the Department. "Shoot first, ask questions later." You may not get many answers but, hey, that's how it goes when working in a violent culture of killer cops.

(TYT) Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola break down some criminal police 
Citizens can now police the police (ACLU)
Fullerton, Orange County Officer Joe Wolfe, who helped fellow gang members bash in the face of a schizophrenic homeless man before beating him to death, had all charges against him dropped after fellow killers Manny Ramos and Jay Cicinelli were acquitted during their separate trial.
Tampa, Florida's retired policeman Curtis Reeves, former Chief of Security for Busch Gardens, murdered a man for having the audacity to text before the movie "Lone Survivor" (see above).
Said it about health plans, said it about NSA
He also shot a woman after popcorn was allegedly thrown in his direction, which may have touched his large toe. Reeves says that this gave him the right to shoot the couple, given that he could (later) say he felt "threatened" and thereby go scot-free for his crimes.
That's funny! NSA surveillance? "If you like your freedom, you can keep your freedom" is the best summary of President Obama's false speech about "reforming" USA/NSA spying.

The precept against killing
Buddha and aum (Brooke Montes/flickr)
Our world is plagued by conflicts, economic and ethnic, racial and religious, political and ideological, planned and carried out by the military-industrial complex.

"Terrorism" serves as the great pretext to launch all manner of state-sponsored terror thanks to the CIA, NSA, NSC, FBI, DHS, and other spies.
Israel's illegal Jewish settlements (DN)
Wars, "low-level kinetic actions" (a euphemism for bloody battles, invasions, and massacres), and genocides are more than just a looming threat. They are an active reality all over the globe.
No sex, please, just killing (
The threat of nuclear weapons being used causes worldwide anxiety. The manufacture and sale of weaponry is a thriving industry. So are there wars because there are weapons, or are there weapons because there are  wars? Who manufactures industrial-scale conflicts?

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