Monday 12 May 2014

Posing nearly naked in Islamic IRAN (video)

Facebook Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women
Iranian harlots with totally exposed heads and faces and not a male relative in sight.

Sexism in a matter of point of view. We worship capitalist exploitation, they worship patriarchal Islam. In either case, women suffer just the same (Evans)
US/Israel aching for war on Republic of Iran
TEHRANGELES, California - Western imperial capitalist corruption has arrived in beautiful Islamic Iran with, of course, a Facebook page. Thank you, FBI. Sure, we like it and think it's "beautiful" and "liberating." But we're raised on imperial corruption. We would likely feel this was a tragedy if we were living in a happily modest country on the verge of being attacked by Israel and its Western allies, most notably the warlords of the CIA and Pentagon. (We already half-ruined the country along with England when we deposed one leader and installed another favorable to our exploits). There are more Iranians than Jews in America, most of them in L.A., but one would never know it by exposure to the mainstream media.
("Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi) about The Richest City Under the Sun in the form of a cartoon/graphic novel about a precocious young girl during Iran's Islamic Revolution following British(MI5)  and American (CIA) subterfuge
Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society takes off
Topless in New York City
Spread of Buddhism: from its origins in Afghanistan (Gandhara) and India (Magadha) to Iran
Women posting hijab-free selfies
Jezebel, wanton woman, an Eve, a Lilith!
"Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women" was set up 10 days ago and has since attracted thousands of photos. 
Thousands of Iranian [Persian, Ariyan] women are taking off their veils and publishing pictures of themselves online, igniting a debate about the freedom to wear or not wear the hijab [the mandatory headscarf demanded by ultraconservative, puritanical Wahabbi Islam, a fundamentalist and extremist faction sponsored by the U.S. and its tentacles].
A Facebook page set up by London-based Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad 10 days ago has attracted more than 130,000 likes, with women across Iran sending unveiled pictures taken in parks, at the seaside and in the streets.
"My stealthy freedom while driving in the streets of Tehran," wrote Maryam alongside an image showing her behind the wheel. "I like to feel the wind blowing on my face."
  • Alinejad is not opposed to the hijab -- her mother is veiled -- but she believes we should have the freedom to choose.
Iranian beauties in L.A. (
Another post showed a mother with her daughter. "The beautiful seaside in Kish [Island]," the younger woman wrote. "We strolled on the rocks and experienced the cool breeze flowing through our hair. Is this a big request?"
A young woman from the city of Fuman, in the northern province of Gilan, sent a picture of her in the woods. "I took this picture stealthily in the spring," she wrote. "It makes me feel happy." Another young woman was pictured unveiled just next to a big billboard in Tehran' Yas sports complex asking women to respect the Islamic hijab.
Alinejad told The Guardian she had been bombarded with messages and pictures since launching Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women. "I've hardly slept in the past three days because of the number of pictures and messages I've received." More

The N.W.O. wants a new world order, which means invading Iran. It's amazing. Look at a map: Iran is squeezed between Iraq and Afghanistan and therefore of strategic importance.

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