Monday 23 December 2013

Pussy Riot, AK-47, Thailand, porn... (video)

The patriotic Communist Russian inventor of the AK-47, the world's most popular killing machine, died today at 94. Mikhail Kalishnikov died saying he had no regrets: The politicians, not the proles, were to blame for the wanton killing, he claimed (EuroNews).

Pussy Riot feminist collective once performed atop a prison to call attention to abuses.
Ukraine feminist activists
Two members of the feminist punk group Pussy Riot have been released [a little early] from prison through amnesty. 

[This was done to avoid embarrassment for Putin and Russia during the Winter Olympics in Sochi]. Nadia Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina had been jailed since last March for protesting Putin in an Orthodox Christian cathedral....
Maria Alyokhina: "Yes, I was keen to reject this amnesty, but the prison had received an order. That’s why I was [released and] brought here. Now I would like to meet human rights activists. And now I would like now to deal with the issue of prison. I would like to engage in human rights activity. Now I’m not afraid of anything anymore. Believe me."
Simplicity made it popular to fight West
Russia’s former richest man, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was also released after serving more than a decade. He was jailed after financing Putin’s opponents and considered a "prisoner of conscience" by Amnesty International. More

(Beyond the Trailer) "12 Years a Slave" trailer and trailer review

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