Friday 4 April 2014

Native American Herb Walks (April 5, 2014)

Xochitl, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Moonbeam (
Bee harmlessly collects nectar and sunflower pollen under an approving Surya (S-K)

The Heart Center, (818) 348-3240
Follow Your Heart (FYH) and Wisdom Quarterly invite everyone to join in a very fun, beautiful, and informative Herb Walk through Bee Canyon.
Our guide William Broen will identify and talk about medicinal and edible plants of California. Broen will focus particularly on the traditional Native American and modern uses of 2-30 different native and introduced plants including: elderberry, mugwort, yerba santa, milk thistle, nettles, black sage, and many more. Our guide will also discuss folklore and legends associated with many of the plants. The three-hour walks will be on easy trails well suited for people of all levels of hiking experience.
  • FREE, Saturday, April 5, 2014
  • 11:00 am-2:00 pm + 3:00-6:00 pm
  • O'Melveny Park, Granada Hills
Wear comfortable shoes, dress in layers, bring hat and sunglasses and sunscreen. Water and trail mix will be provided by FYH.

Sacred lands
Follow Your Heart on Pinterest, Facebook
Indigenous Tongva (Los Angeles) and Chumash (Malibu) and Tataviam (NW LA/Ventura) and Acagchemem (Orange County) peoples were lovers of Nature, lovers of flowers, lovers of herbs and herbal cures. Plants cure what ails human beings and other earthlings. But with the loss of Native languages, lineages, the lore, plant knowledge is disappearing only to be revived by Americans passionate about what was lost/displaced when we overran the original inhabitants' subsisting on their native lands.

DIRECTIONS: From Follow Your Heart [21825 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, CA 91303, (818) 348-3240] take Topanga Canyon Bl. north to Hwy 118 East. Exit Balboa going north for about two miles to Sesnon Ave. (just past Crozco). Go left on Sesnon and drive about 1/4 mile until reaching the O'Melveny Park parking lot on the right side of street. Group will meet at the far end of the lot at 11:00 am and again at 3:00 pm sharp.

WILLIAM BROEN attended Pacific School of Herbal Medicine in Oakland, CA. He works as an educator for Herb Pharm (Herbal Healthcare Products), a company which produces high quality organic and wild herbal supplements sold at FYH. He is also the Herbal Expert at FYH, working Fridays from 4:00-9:00 pm.

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