Wednesday 9 April 2014

Is domestic violence kind of SEXY? (cartoon)

Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Irma Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly; Mia De Graaf (Daily Mail)
Vogue is being blasted.

Is the fashion magazine "trivializing domestic abuse" in violence-themed edition that teams beaten-up and bloodied models with haute couture (high fashion)?
Female editor Franca Sozzani is unapologetic. She claims it is a political statement against domestic abuse. But outraged Twitter users blast the images as "unacceptable" and "repulsive."

Outrage: This image of a woman bleeding and strewn across the floor in Vogue Italia has enraged readers
Woman bleeding and strewn across floor
[First it was "heroin chic," now this. What next? Demeaning and expensive clothes and shoes? Tasteless jokes? "What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already..." Hey, you can't publish that punchline! All right, just saying. I mean, what next?]
Vogue Italia has sparked international outrage after publishing slick photos of a "beaten-up" model. The image, in this month's edition, was an attempt at making a statement calling attention to all-too-common violence, the publication is claiming.
I'd rather be on the cover of Vogue
But critics have blasted the fashion shoot for "glamorizing" violence against women. The photograph shows a redheaded model in a Prada dress sprawled upside down at the bottom of a flight of stairs, blood streaming into her hair, as a blood-splattered man looks on from an armchair.

Other images in the violence-themed edition show a girl in a Prada dress screaming as a man approaches her with blood on his hands.

A balaclava makes one Pussy Riot
Another girl hides in a cupboard, with a man leaning over brandishing shears. And in one, the model looks petrified crouching under the stairs as a man descends.

Outraged Twitter users [twits?] attacked the fashion shoot as being in "poor taste." More

We we go topless to protest (even if it bothers you) -
Euronews iTalk in English: Inna Shevchenko explains why.
    Pull that thing out of my... already!

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