Thursday, 20 March 2014

What is happening to Pacifica Radio?

Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly; (, 3-21-14)
KPFK is the L.A. affiliate of Pacifica Radio, which Lewis Hill began in Berkeley in 1949.

Left-wing Pacifica Radio is sliding into the abyss
(Illustration by Ian Keltie)
On March 13, after weeks of rumors, Pacifica Radio's board of directors voted to fire its executive director, Summer Reese, during what was essentially a conference call. 
But nothing is as simple as all that in the oldest and oddest public radio network in the country.
"We desperately need adult supervision.” 
- [CIA mole and longtime KPFK radio host] Ian Masters
Four days later, Reese sent an email to the entire Pacifica staff announcing that she was not recognizing the board's authority: "I want to assure you that I am in possession of a signed and valid contract for three years of employment from the board of directors and that I fully intend to complete that contract."
And so it was that Reese marched to the Pacifica national office in Berkeley on March 17th, bolt cutters in hand, removed a padlock placed on the front doors over the weekend, and essentially occupied the building.
When newly appointed Interim Executive Director Margy Wilkinson showed up, Reese and 12 of her compatriots -- including Reese's mother, a longtime anti-war and civil rights activist -- refused to let Wilkinson, her husband, and two of her allies pass.
"You're all going to be personally liable -- and I'm going to enjoy your houses!" Reese shouted at them, according to former board member Sasha Futran, who backs Wilkinson. More

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